Velocity Based Training at Toronto Strength

  • Advanced Technology

    We employ reliable and accurate devices such as linear position transducers and wearable accelerometers attached to the barbell or the athlete. These devices capture detailed data on the velocity and power output of each movement.

    The collected data is instantly transmitted to a user-friendly interface, allowing both the coach and the athlete to view and interpret performance metrics immediately.

  • Real-Time Feedback

    Real-time feedback enables immediate adjustments to be made during the training session. If the velocity is too low or too high for the intended training goal, loads can be adjusted on the spot to ensure optimal training stimulus.

    This instantaneous information helps maintain the quality and effectiveness of each rep, reducing the risk of overtraining or undertraining.

  • Personalized Training Adaptations:

    VBT allows for daily and even intra-session adjustments based on the athlete's readiness and fatigue levels. This individualized approach ensures that each training session is tailored to the athlete's current condition, maximizing progress and minimizing injury risk.

    Over time, the collected data builds a comprehensive profile of the athlete's performance trends, informing long-term training strategies and goal setting.

WHAT is Velocity Based TRaining (VBT)

Velocity-Based Training (VBT) is an innovative training methodology that utilizes real-time velocity measurements to optimize performance and outcomes. By tracking the speed of each lift, VBT allows for precise adjustments to training loads, ensuring that each repetition is performed with optimal intensity and technique. This method enhances training efficiency, effectiveness, and safety across all fitness goals, including hypertrophy, strength development, and sports performance.

The Importance of Rep Quality over Quantity

While traditional training often focuses on the number of repetitions and the amount of weight lifted, VBT emphasizes the quality of each rep. Here's why this focus is transformative:

  1. Ensuring Optimal Training Stimulus:

    • Speed as an Indicator: The velocity of a lift serves as a reliable indicator of the athlete's effort and neuromuscular performance. Maintaining appropriate velocities ensures that the intended training stimulus (strength, power, or hypertrophy) is effectively targeted.

    • Technique Maintenance: Monitoring rep speed helps in maintaining proper lifting technique throughout the set, as decrements in velocity can signal form breakdowns, allowing for immediate corrective action.

  2. Managing Fatigue and Recovery:

    • Fatigue Detection: A significant drop in rep velocity can indicate the onset of fatigue. Recognizing this in real-time allows for adjustments to volume and intensity, promoting adequate recovery and preventing overtraining.

    • Recovery Optimization: Tracking how quickly velocity recovers between sets and sessions provides insights into the athlete's recovery status, informing decisions about training frequency and load management.

  3. Enhancing Performance Consistency:

    • Auto-Regulation: VBT facilitates auto-regulation by adjusting training loads based on daily performance variations, ensuring consistent training quality despite fluctuations in energy levels or external stressors.

    • Progress Tracking: Detailed velocity data enables precise tracking of performance improvements over time, providing measurable evidence of progress and effectiveness of the training program.

Insights Gained FROM VBT

Implementing VBT at Toronto Strength Co. provides a wealth of valuable insights that enhance training effectiveness:

  1. Determining Optimal Training Loads:

    • Load-Velocity Profiling: By assessing how velocity changes with different loads, we can create individualized load-velocity profiles that identify the most effective weights for achieving specific training outcomes.

    • Dynamic Load Adjustments: These profiles allow for dynamic adjustments to training loads based on daily readiness, ensuring that athletes are always training at optimal intensities.

  2. Monitoring and Improving Athletic Performance:

    • Power Output Measurement: Tracking velocity enables precise calculation of power output, a critical factor in many sports. Continuous monitoring helps in developing explosive strength and improving overall athletic performance.

    • Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses: Detailed performance data highlights specific areas of strength and weakness, informing targeted interventions and balanced development.

  3. Injury Prevention and Management:

    • Early Fatigue Detection: By recognizing early signs of fatigue through decreased velocities, training can be adjusted to prevent excessive strain and reduce injury risk.

    • Technique Correction: Real-time feedback allows for immediate correction of technical errors, minimizing the likelihood of injury due to improper form.

  4. Enhancing Motivation and Engagement:

    • Immediate Performance Feedback: Seeing real-time data on performance can boost motivation and engagement, as athletes can instantly see the impact of their effort and make necessary adjustments.

    • Goal Setting and Achievement: Clear, data-driven metrics facilitate effective goal setting and provide tangible evidence of progress, enhancing satisfaction and commitment to the training process.

Scientific Support for VBT

Load-Velocity Profiling: González-Badillo et al. (2015) demonstrated that individualized load-velocity profiles could accurately predict the optimal loads for maximizing strength and power adaptations, leading to more effective and efficient training sessions 1.

Fatigue Management: Weakley et al. (2019) found that monitoring velocity loss during sets was an effective method for managing and mitigating neuromuscular fatigue, thereby enhancing recovery and performance sustainability 2.

Performance Enhancement: Orange et al. (2019) reported that athletes training with VBT showed greater improvements in power and speed compared to traditional percentage-based training methods, highlighting VBT's efficacy in enhancing sport-specific performance 3.

Injury Prevention: Randell et al. (2011) suggested that real-time velocity feedback helped maintain proper technique and appropriate training intensities, contributing to reduced injury rates and improved long-term training outcomes 4.

  1. González-Badillo, J. J., Sánchez-Medina, L., Ribas, J., & Calleja-González, J. (2015). The application of velocity loss as an indicator of neuromuscular fatigue during resistance training. Sports Medicine, 45(4), 481-492. doi:10.1007/s40279-014-0280-0

  2. Weakley, J. J., Ramirez-Lopez, C., McLaren, S. J., Dalton-Barron, N., Weaving, D., Jones, B., & Till, K. (2019). The effects of 10%, 20%, and 30% velocity loss thresholds on the kinetic, kinematic, and perceived fatigue responses to resistance training. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 33(1), 26-36. doi:10.1519/JSC.0000000000002957

  3. Orange, S. T., Metcalfe, J. W., Liefeith, A., Robinson, A., Applegarth, M. J., Liefeith, T., & Mundy, P. D. (2019). Validity and reliability of a wearable inertial sensor to measure velocity and power in the back squat and bench press. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 33(9), 2398-2408. doi:10.1519/JSC.0000000000002574

  4. Randell, A. D., Cronin, J. B., Keogh, J. W., Gill, N. D., & Pedersen, M. C. (2011). Effect of instantaneous performance feedback during 6 weeks of velocity-based resistance training on sport-specific performance tests. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 25(1), 87-93. doi:10.1519/JSC.0b013e3181fee634

Experience Cutting-Edge Training with Toronto Strength Co.

By integrating Velocity-Based Training into our programs, Toronto Strength Co. offers a scientifically grounded, data-driven approach to fitness and performance enhancement. Our certified coaches are trained in interpreting and utilizing velocity data to craft personalized, effective, and safe training experiences tailored to your unique goals and needs.

Whether you're aiming to build muscle mass, increase strength, or elevate your athletic performance, VBT provides the tools and insights to achieve and exceed your objectives efficiently and sustainably.